Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A stunningly arrogant and stupid cover story in Newsweek (8-13-07) is entitled

Global Warming is a Hoax*

or so claim well-funded naysayers who still reject the oveR-whelming evidence of climate change. Inside the denial machine. By Sharon Begley

Ugh --- how very cutesey-poo climatologists believe that the threat s so very grave.


Blogger Karl Hafer said...

Yeah, I took a class in college taught by one of those very same "naysayers." I guess the difference is that he is the only solidly credible guy (Dr. Bill Gray, Colorado State Univ.). It was kind of sad the way he was treated when he went up to congress, but I can tell everyone that he is 100% convinced that it is a conspiracy or something.

September 09, 2007  

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